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Questions about

Educational leave

These are our most frequently asked questions Educational leave

Are the IT training courses suitable for educational leave?

Yes, our IT training courses are ideally suited for educational leave . The Flexyfit Academy offers a wide range of courses that meet the requirements for educational leave.

We support you in selecting and planning the right training so that you can make the most of your time on educational leave.

Please contact us for further information and individual advice.

Who can take educational leave?

In principle, all employees who meet certain requirements can take educational leave. These include

  • Employment relationship: You must be in a valid employment relationship.
  • Duration of employment: You must have been employed by the same employer for at least six months without interruption.
  • Agreement with the employer: Educational leave must be agreed between you and your employer. This is not a unilaterally enforceable measure.
  • Duration of educational leave: Educational leave can be agreed for a period of at least two months up to a maximum of twelve months within a four-year period.
  • Educational measures: During educational leave, you must take part in recognized training measures that last at least 20 hours per week.
It is advisable to find out about the exact requirements and possibilities at an early stage and to clarify the details with your employer. You can also obtain further information from the Chamber of Labor or the AMS (Public Employment Service).

What else is important to know?

You will need an education plan to apply for educational leave. We will be happy to help you draw one up for your individual needs. Simply arrange a telephone or personal consultation with us.

As soon as you have decided to train with us, we will issue you with the necessary confirmation of registration, which you will need to submit your application for educational leave.

Our team will be on hand to advise you throughout the entire process to ensure that everything runs smoothly.


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