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Digital competence, technical know-how and IT skills are the basis for professional success and personal development in our modern world. At a time when technological advances are constantly changing our daily lives and work, it is becoming increasingly important to actively and consciously engage with these topics. Not only for professional development, but also because the demand for IT experts is constantly increasing.
And this is where we come in: regardless of whether you want to expand your digital skills to improve your career opportunities or whether you want to support other companies with your technical expertise as a specialist - the Flexyfit EDP Academy has the right offer for you.
Our training and further educationcourses provide comprehensive and in-depth knowledge in the areas of PHP, Java, WordPress, MySQL, HTML and CSS. We also offeronline courses in the IT sector viadistance learning! Thanks to the modular structure of the training courses, you candesign your (further) education pathindividually.

Quality you can trust

The Flexyfit Academy has been one of the leading providers of training and further education since 2007. Originally started in the sports sector, we have expanded our portfolio to include high-quality IT training. Our goal is always not only to meet current quality standards, but to exceed them. Convince yourself of our numerous certifications and the quality of our programs.

Our Certifications

As a recognized institution for adult education, our course plans are regularly evaluated and recognized by national institutions and standardization bodies.


Here you can find information about individuals, institutions and businesses that have worked with us in a variety of contexts over the years. We want to introduce them and proudly recommend their excellent products and services!

Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA)

You can receive state funding. Funding opportunities for your training and further education.
We work together with the employment agency in accordance with AZAV.

Waff - Partner Seite HP

"Get ahead in your career! We are there for you with advice and financial support."

The waff (Wiener ArbeitnehmerInnen Förderungsfonds) is an institution of the City of Vienna. In 1995, the Vienna state government was the first province in Austria to create its own institution for active labor market policy and employee support in the form of waff, on the initiative of employee interest groups.

For waff, the cooperation of all important institutions in the area of labor market and economic policy is an essential prerequisite for more employment opportunities and an attractive business location. Not least for this reason, the Viennese social partners play a key role in the bodies of waff.


Quality you can trust

37.700 satisfied customers - from Austria and 13 other countries.