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Our IT training courses

Welcome to the Flexyfit® EDV Academy

Browse our available courses

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Classroom Courses

Course Modalities

A comparison of our available learning options: Some courses are available to you in different learning variants. The scope of the training remains identical regardless of the learning option you choose. We offer the right course for every type of learner!

Type of learner | Learning method

Learning variant

Learning method

Study time

Auditory & visual learning type

Communicative & motoric learner type


Online Courses






  • Available around the clock
  • Location-independent - you learn wherever you want
  • You determine your own learning rhythm
  • Practical despite distance learning
  • Learning videos & scripts can be used without restriction

Suitable for graduates who would like to continue their education but restricted in terms of time and are restricted in terms of time and location. Auditory & visual learner type.


Classroom Courses






  • Flexible e-learning system
  • No waiting times until the next course starts
  • Build a network
  • Learn in your own way and at your own pace
  • Learning in & from the group

For learners who would like to complete further training in a group with specialist instructors. Communicative & motoric type of learner.

Basic information on the learning variants:

  • The training content is the same for each learning variant
  • The examination period, duration of training and examination procedure are independent of the learning variant
  • Sie können von der Lernvariante "Fernstudium" auf Präsenz unterricht aufbuchen. Auch einzelne Modulblöcke sind aufbuchbar
  • With the "face-to-face course" learning option, you can book and complete individual blocks in private lessons
  • The final certificate does not differ, regardless of which learning variant you have completed the course in
  • Your Academy account and the learning content will stay with you for the rest of your life

Quality you can trust

37.700 satisfied customers - from Austria and 13 other countries.