Advanced OOP and files
It begins with an in-depth exploration of OOP concepts. Students will build on the fundamentals of OOP and learn advanced techniques such as abstract classes, interfaces and polymorphism. These techniques help to create more flexible and reusable code structures.
Another focus is on advanced techniques in OOP. Participants will learn how to integrate design patterns such as singleton, factory, observer and decorator into their projects. In addition, concepts such as dependency injection and inversion of control are introduced in order to improve the maintainability and testability of the code.
Working with files is an essential part of the course. Participants will learn how to read, write and edit files in various formats. This also includes handling file errors and ensuring data security.
It also covers the manipulation of date and time. Participants will learn how to process, format and calculate date and time values in their applications. This includes dealing with different time zones and the use of libraries to simplify date and time manipulation.
Finally, the use and benefits of regular expressions are covered. Participants will learn how to use regular expressions to recognize patterns in text and efficiently search and manipulate text data. Practical examples and exercises will help participants put the theoretical concepts into practice and master the use of regular expressions in their projects.